I try build iPXE in local Debian server ROM-o-matic but have error:
Sorry, no network driver supports PCI codes
If copy NIC file from gPXE /bin folder to iPXE /bin folder there are other errors:
Build failed. Status = 2
Build options:
Build directory is: /tmp/MDCROMioo2f5
$_POST['ofmt'] = "ROM binary (flashable) image (.rom)"
$_POST['nic'] = "all-drivers"
$_POST['pci_vendor_code'] = "10ec"
$_POST['pci_device_code'] = "8139"
$flags contains 45 elements:
Make output:
Make command: make -C '/tmp/MDCROMioo2f5' 'bin/10ec8139.rom' GITVERSION=445a 2>&1
make: Entering directory `/tmp/MDCROMioo2f5'
[DEPS] arch/i386/prefix/romprefix.S
[DEPS] arch/i386/prefix/mromprefix.S
[DEPS] arch/x86/core/debugcon.c
[DEPS] arch/i386/interface/vmware/vmconsole.c
[DEPS] arch/i386/interface/syslinux/comboot_call.c
[DEPS] arch/i386/interface/pcbios/bios_smbios.c
[DEPS] arch/i386/firmware/pcbios/bios_console.c
[DEPS] arch/i386/core/video_subr.c
[DEPS] config/config_romprefix.c
[DEPS] config/config_net80211.c
[DEPS] config/config_infiniband.c
[DEPS] config/config_fc.c
[DEPS] config/config_ethernet.c
[DEPS] config/config.c
[DEPS] usr/imgtrust.c
[DEPS] usr/autoboot.c
[DEPS] interface/smbios/smbios_settings.c
[DEPS] interface/smbios/smbios.c
[DEPS] interface/efi/efi_snp_hii.c
[DEPS] interface/efi/efi_snp.c
[DEPS] interface/efi/efi_smbios.c
[DEPS] interface/efi/efi_driver.c
[DEPS] interface/efi/efi_console.c
[DEPS] net/udp/syslog.c
[DEPS] net/tcp/syslogs.c
[DEPS] net/netdevice.c
[DEPS] core/serial_console.c
[DEPS] core/serial.c
[DEPS] core/main.c
[DEPS] core/log.c
[DEPS] core/image.c
[DEPS] core/downloader.c
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/MDCROMioo2f5'
make: Entering directory `/tmp/MDCROMioo2f5'
[BUILD] bin/__divdi3.o
[BUILD] bin/__moddi3.o
[BUILD] bin/__udivdi3.o
[BUILD] bin/__udivmoddi4.o
[BUILD] bin/__umoddi3.o
[BUILD] bin/icc.o
[BUILD] bin/memcpy.o
[BUILD] bin/acpi.o
[BUILD] bin/ansiesc.o
[BUILD] bin/asprintf.o
[BUILD] bin/assert.o
[BUILD] bin/base16.o
[BUILD] bin/base64.o
[BUILD] bin/basename.o
[BUILD] bin/bitmap.o
[BUILD] bin/bitops.o
[BUILD] bin/blockdev.o
[BUILD] bin/console.o
[BUILD] bin/cpio.o
[BUILD] bin/ctype.o
[BUILD] bin/cwuri.o
[BUILD] bin/debug.o
[BUILD] bin/debug_md5.o
[BUILD] bin/device.o
[BUILD] bin/downloader.o
[BUILD] bin/edd.o
[BUILD] bin/errno.o
[BUILD] bin/exec.o
[BUILD] bin/fnrec.o
[BUILD] bin/gdbserial.o
[BUILD] bin/gdbstub.o
[BUILD] bin/gdbudp.o
[BUILD] bin/getkey.o
[BUILD] bin/getopt.o
[BUILD] bin/hw.o
[BUILD] bin/i82365.o
[BUILD] bin/image.o
[BUILD] bin/init.o
[BUILD] bin/interface.o
[BUILD] bin/iobuf.o
[BUILD] bin/job.o
[BUILD] bin/linebuf.o
[BUILD] bin/lineconsole.o
[BUILD] bin/list.o
[BUILD] bin/log.o
[BUILD] bin/main.o
[BUILD] bin/malloc.o
[BUILD] bin/memblock.o
[BUILD] bin/menu.o
[BUILD] bin/misc.o
[BUILD] bin/monojob.o
[BUILD] bin/null_nap.o
[BUILD] bin/null_reboot.o
[BUILD] bin/null_sanboot.o
[BUILD] bin/null_time.o
[BUILD] bin/nvo.o
[BUILD] bin/open.o
[BUILD] bin/parseopt.o
[BUILD] bin/pc_kbd.o
[BUILD] bin/pcmcia.o
[BUILD] bin/pending.o
[BUILD] bin/posix_io.o
[BUILD] bin/process.o
[BUILD] bin/random.o
[BUILD] bin/refcnt.o
[BUILD] bin/resolv.o
[BUILD] bin/serial.o
[BUILD] bin/serial_console.o
[BUILD] bin/settings.o
[BUILD] bin/string.o
[BUILD] bin/stringextra.o
[BUILD] bin/strtoull.o
[BUILD] bin/time.o
[BUILD] bin/timer.o
[BUILD] bin/uri.o
[BUILD] bin/uuid.o
make: *** No rule to make target `../.git/index', needed by `bin/version.o'. Stop.
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/MDCROMioo2f5'