2017-11-03, 16:11
Hi all
I have discovered iPXE today, so I'm quite new here.. :-)
Very often I have a need to discover PXE servers within the LAN.
I mean I need to know :
* is pxe server coming via DHCP options 60, 66-67 and what these options are
* is pxe server coming via local network (pxe and client are on the same network)
* is pxe server coming via ipHelpers
So, in short, I need a way to simulate a PXE request and analyze the answer.
So far I have discovered, that booting a computer from ipxi.iso and performing:
config => proxyDHCP
gives me that information (at least in case, that DHCP, PXE Server and client are within the same subnet).
However this doesn't work on UEFI computer.
May I ask how can I accomplish that? Probably a properly deployed/configured Virtualbox VM with iPXE on it will do the tricks, that I need.
So that I could a have simple , small , solution, that will do the diagnostic for UEFI and BIOS machines.
Thank you in advanced and best regards
I have discovered iPXE today, so I'm quite new here.. :-)
Very often I have a need to discover PXE servers within the LAN.
I mean I need to know :
* is pxe server coming via DHCP options 60, 66-67 and what these options are
* is pxe server coming via local network (pxe and client are on the same network)
* is pxe server coming via ipHelpers
So, in short, I need a way to simulate a PXE request and analyze the answer.
So far I have discovered, that booting a computer from ipxi.iso and performing:
config => proxyDHCP
gives me that information (at least in case, that DHCP, PXE Server and client are within the same subnet).
However this doesn't work on UEFI computer.
May I ask how can I accomplish that? Probably a properly deployed/configured Virtualbox VM with iPXE on it will do the tricks, that I need.
So that I could a have simple , small , solution, that will do the diagnostic for UEFI and BIOS machines.
Thank you in advanced and best regards