This is my boot script
echo "Adding SCSI"
set username behrooz
set password behpass
set keep-san 1
set initiator-iqn iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:a87a0bc571c
sanhook iscsi:

echo "here"
the issue is, sanhook takes a long to hook so reaching the echo "here" takes a long time (60-80 seconds), any ideas?
(2017-12-05 15:52)zoup Wrote: [ -> ]set initiator-iqn iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:a87a0bc571c
sanhook iscsi:
echo "here"
the issue is, sanhook takes a long to hook so reaching the echo "here" takes a long time (60-80 seconds), any ideas?
One of the best ways to debug these kind of issues is to run tcpdump or wireshark on the iscsi target to see what it is stalling on and why.
Hello And thanks for IPXE
this is my script, goal is to attach SAN device and boot windows iso images.
(using wimpe is not possible due to architectural limitations of the project)
echo "Adding SCSI"
set username behrooz
set password behpass
set keep-san 1
set initiator-iqn iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:a87a0bc571c
sanhook iscsi:
sanboot --drive 0x81 --no-describe
now problem is, windows boot manager starts and returns error 0xc0000225 (
any ideas?
This post was moved into this thread (again) since it has the exact same script except for the ISO at the end.
(2017-12-06 15:35)NiKiZe Wrote: [ -> ]To boot windows installation from iPXE it is recommended to use wimboot instead.
Thanks, i just started it as a new thread, and delete the post here.
(2017-12-06 15:31)NiKiZe Wrote: [ -> ]Above you said it hangs first with the exact same script, try to solve or explain that issue first instead of posting multiple threads please.
Yes, here i'm saying hooking taking a long time, not related to not being able to boot.
(2017-12-06 16:14)zoup Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-12-06 15:35)NiKiZe Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-12-06 16:12)zoup Wrote: [ -> ]sanboot --drive 0x81 --no-describe
now problem is, windows boot manager starts and returns error 0xc0000225 (https://neosmart.net/wiki/0xc0000225/)
To boot windows installation from iPXE it is recommended to use wimboot instead.
Thanks, i just started it as a new thread, and delete the post here.
You are using the exact same script except for the last part - so merging the two threads (again) since it is as far as I can see the _SAME_
to help you first you need to help us by providing and testing the things that are asked.
(2017-12-06 16:14)zoup Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-12-06 15:31)NiKiZe Wrote: [ -> ]Above you said it hangs first with the exact same script, try to solve or explain that issue first instead of posting multiple threads please.
Yes, here i'm saying hooking taking a long time, not related to not being able to boot.
But again it is the exact same script, with the exact same target. Saying they are not related in this case makes little sense, as such i regard these posts as duplicates.
(2017-12-06 17:02)NiKiZe Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-12-06 16:14)zoup Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-12-06 15:35)NiKiZe Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-12-06 16:12)zoup Wrote: [ -> ]sanboot --drive 0x81 --no-describe
now problem is, windows boot manager starts and returns error 0xc0000225 (https://neosmart.net/wiki/0xc0000225/)
To boot windows installation from iPXE it is recommended to use wimboot instead.
Thanks, i just started it as a new thread, and delete the post here.
You are using the exact same script except for the last part - so merging the two threads (again) since it is as far as I can see the _SAME_
to help you first you need to help us by providing and testing the things that are asked.
(2017-12-06 16:14)zoup Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-12-06 15:31)NiKiZe Wrote: [ -> ]Above you said it hangs first with the exact same script, try to solve or explain that issue first instead of posting multiple threads please.
Yes, here i'm saying hooking taking a long time, not related to not being able to boot.
But again it is the exact same script, with the exact same target. Saying they are not related in this case makes little sense, as such i regard these posts as duplicates.
These are indeed two separated issues, same script can have two different issues, in this case:
1> sanhook, it's performance issue
2> windows boot error, despite slowness of sanhook i receive this error, which i think is related to device detection issue.
So please unmerge, and make these two separated issues.