2018-08-02, 00:00
I am trying to boot a wim image (O/S Ver 10.0.16299.15) with iPXE and FOG using these settings:
kernel http://${fog-ip}/sccm2/wimboot gui
initrd http://${fog-ip}/sccm2/boot/BCD BCD
initrd http://${fog-ip}/sccm2/boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi
initrd http://${fog-ip}/sccm2/sources/boot.wim boot.wim
and it boots into the wim and says show the background and the command prompt window shows "The DNS client service is starting" and then it just reboots and does not load the task sequence prompt.
followed this: http://ipxe.org/howto/sccm, but took out bootmgr
I have another sccm, wim image (O/S/ Ver 10.0.015063.0) that works perfectly. Does anyone know of anything with the new o/s version of the wim?
kernel http://${fog-ip}/sccm2/wimboot gui
initrd http://${fog-ip}/sccm2/boot/BCD BCD
initrd http://${fog-ip}/sccm2/boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi
initrd http://${fog-ip}/sccm2/sources/boot.wim boot.wim
and it boots into the wim and says show the background and the command prompt window shows "The DNS client service is starting" and then it just reboots and does not load the task sequence prompt.
followed this: http://ipxe.org/howto/sccm, but took out bootmgr
I have another sccm, wim image (O/S/ Ver 10.0.015063.0) that works perfectly. Does anyone know of anything with the new o/s version of the wim?