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Full Version: appnote/debian_preseed instructions are wrong
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(This was sent on June 3 to the mailing list but never moderated it seems, so trying here)

Hello iPXE devs,

The text at https://ipxe.org/appnote/debian_preseed suggests that you can load a non cpio file,
put it as initrd= param, and that even for EFI mode iPXE will make a cpio for you.
In my testing (and as discussed here https://forum.ipxe.org/showthread.php?ti...8#pid11948 by others)

this is only working with cpio files when in EFI mode, so 2 questions:
- is this appnote/debian_preseed page just a design document that was never implemented ?
- can someone update it to mention it's not working, or what options are needed ?

Thanks a lot
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