2020-08-05, 03:38
I wonder if this supporeted option (passing parametres from PXELinux to ipxe)
I have PXELinux boot:
LABEL startipxe
KERNEL ipxe.lkrn
APPEND set MYVAR some-data
And from chainloaded ipxe with embed script:
echo MYVAR: ${MYVAR}
... other stuff
I was unable to make this work (PXElinux from Ubuntu 20.04 syslinux package).
I solved this for myself by some small hack in ipxe code.
But I wonder if this should works out of the box?
Best regards
I wonder if this supporeted option (passing parametres from PXELinux to ipxe)
I have PXELinux boot:
LABEL startipxe
KERNEL ipxe.lkrn
APPEND set MYVAR some-data
And from chainloaded ipxe with embed script:
echo MYVAR: ${MYVAR}
... other stuff
I was unable to make this work (PXElinux from Ubuntu 20.04 syslinux package).
I solved this for myself by some small hack in ipxe code.
But I wonder if this should works out of the box?
Best regards