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Full Version: not enough space error
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Hi everyone,

on a couple of computers I'm receiving this error: "not enough space" when I try to load a Linuxkernel and Initrd via https. On a couple of different machines the same ipxe configuration runs quite well.

Does anyone know whats the reason for this error? (I assume 2GB's of RAM should be enough for a 2MB Kernel and 8MB Initrd) Is it possible to avoid this error - e.g. by loading syslinux via ipxe and then linux?

(2012-10-09 19:05)gaunab Wrote: [ -> ]on a couple of computers I'm receiving this error: "not enough space" when I try to load a Linuxkernel and Initrd via https. On a couple of different machines the same ipxe configuration runs quite well.

This issue was fixed about two weeks ago: http://git.ipxe.org/ipxe.git/commitdiff/72db146

Try using the current version of iPXE; it should solve your problem.

Thank you. That solved my Problem.

what else is limiting the file size when fetching the initramdisk via https?

I am using a recent ipxe which has the above posted patch with the io buffer list included.

I am trying to load a linux kernel (3MB, succeeds) and an initramdisk (27MB, fails at 41% with http://ipxe.org/310de706) via https (from apache2, mod_ssl, debian wheezy). The ipxe is burned onto a Mellanox ConnectX3 pro en 10GE card. It works over plain http though.

Thank you for any hint!

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