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good evening

i have a nas synology ds 212+
i have made a dhcp server via the synology.
i made an iscsi target named iqn.2000-01.com.synology:test.boot.windows7

i have created on las the folder
ftfproot... i have compiled undionly.kpxe file correctly.

my server is at adress

when i start via virtual box a machine that boot via lan and i arrive at the menu... indicating the possibility to boot windows...

but nothing happen.. the windows7 start doesnt' start...



set boot-url tftp://
set bootstrap-url ${boot-url}/bootstrap
set menu-url ${boot-url}/menu.ipxe

# Boot <boot-url>/bootstrap/hostname-<hostname>.ipxe
# if hostname DHCP variable is set and script is present
isset ${hostname} && chain --replace --autofree ${bootstrap-url}/hostname-${hostname}.ipxe && exit ||

# Boot <boot-url>/bootstrap/uuid-<UUID>.ipxe
# if uuid SMBIOS variable is set and script is present
isset ${uuid} && chain --replace --autofree ${bootstrap-url}/uuid-${uuid}.ipxe && exit ||

# Boot <boot-url>/bootstrap/mac-01-02-03-04-05-06.ipxe if script is present
chain --replace --autofree ${bootstrap-url}/mac-${mac:hexhyp}.ipxe && exit ||

# Boot <boot-url>/bootstrap/bus-01-80-86-10-0e.ipxe if PCI Intel adapter
# is present and script is present
chain --replace --autofree ${bootstrap-url}/bus-${busid:hexhyp}.ipxe && exit ||

# Boot <boot-url>/menu.ipxe script if all other options have been exhausted
chain --replace --autofree ${menu-url}



# boot-url is set in bootstrap.ipxe

# Setup some basic convenience variables
set menu-timeout 5000
set submenu-timeout ${menu-timeout}
set base-iqn iqn.2000-01.com.synology
set base-iscsi iscsi:${base-iqn}

# Set initiator-iqn to either hostname or mac
isset ${hostname} && set initiator-iqn ${base-iqn}:${hostname} || set initiator-iqn ${base-iqn}:${mac}

# Ensure we have menu-default set to something
isset ${menu-default} || set menu-default exit

###################### MAIN MENU ####################################

menu iPXE boot menu for ${initiator-iqn}
item --gap -- ------------------------- Operating systems ------------------------------
item --key f freedos Boot FreeDOS from iSCSI
item --key m msdos Boot MS-DOS from iSCSI
item --key u ubuntu Boot Ubuntu from iSCSI
item --key v vmware Boot VMware ESXi from iSCSI
item --key w windows7 Boot Windows 7 from iSCSI
item --key l menu-live Live environments...
item --gap -- ------------------------- Tools and utilities ----------------------------
item --key p pxelinux Load PXELinux menu
item --key r menu-recovery Recovery tools...
item --key d menu-diag Diagnostics tools...
item --key i menu-install Installers...
item --gap -- ------------------------- Advanced options -------------------------------
item --key c config Configure settings
item shell Drop to iPXE shell
item reboot Reboot computer
item --key x exit Exit iPXE and continue BIOS boot
choose --timeout ${menu-timeout} --default ${menu-default} selected || goto cancel
set menu-timeout 0
goto ${selected}

echo You cancelled the menu, dropping you to a shell

echo Type exit to get the back to the menu
set menu-timeout 0
set submenu-timeout 0
goto start

echo Booting failed, dropping to shell
goto shell



goto start

set submenu-timeout 0
clear submenu-default
goto start

############ MAIN MENU ITEMS ############

echo Booting FreeDOS from iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.freedos
sanboot ${root-path} || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting MS-DOS from iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.msdos
sanboot ${root-path} || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting Ubuntu from iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.ubuntu
sanboot ${root-path} || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting VMware ESXi from iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.vmware
sanboot ${root-path} || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting Windows 7 from iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.windows7
sanboot ${root-path} || goto failed
goto start

set 210:string tftp://${next-server}/
chain ${210:string}pxelinux.0 || goto failed
goto start

###################### RECOVERY MENU ################################

menu Recovery tools
item sysrcd SystemRescueCD 2.6.0
item spinrite SpinRite 6.0
item spinrite-msdos SpinRite 6.0 (using MS-DOS 6.22)
item macrium-winpe Macrium Reflect 5.0 Rescue CD (WinPE 3.1)
item macrium-linux Macrium Reflect 5.0 Rescue CD (Linux)
item macrium-wimboot Macrium Reflect 5.0 Rescue CD (WinPE 3.1 via wimboot)
item --key x back Back to top menu...
iseq ${menu-default} menu-recovery && isset ${submenu-default} && goto menu-recovery-timed ||
choose selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
choose --timeout ${submenu-timeout} --default ${submenu-default} selected && goto ${selected} || goto start

sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x00 ${boot-url}/spinrite-6.0/spinrite-6.0.img || goto failed
#sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x081 ${boot-url}/spinrite-6.0/spinrite-6.0.iso
#initrd ${boot-url}/spinrite/spinrite-6.0.img
#chain ${boot-url}/memdisk
goto start

sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x00 ${boot-url}/spinrite-6.0/spinrite-6.0-msdos.img || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting SystemRescueCD 2.6.0 x86 for ${initiator-iqn}
# Fixup needed after copying files from downloaded ISO to directory:
# cd path/to/sysrcd-iso-unpacked-files/isolinux && \
# perl -p -i -e 's{/bootdisk}{../bootdisk}' isolinux.cfg && \
# perl -p -i -e 's{scandelay=1}{scandelay=1 dodhcp nfsboot=nas.smidsrod.lan:/raid/boot/sysrcd-2.6.0-x86}' isolinux.cfg && \
# perl -p -i -e 's{rescuecd_us}{rescuecd_no}; s{US}{NO}; s{setkmap=us}{setkmap=no}; s{american}{norwegian};' isolinux.cfg && \
# cd -
# PXELinux options, see http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/PXELINUX for details
set 210:string ${boot-url}/sysrcd-2.6.0-x86/isolinux/
set 209:string isolinux.cfg
set filename ${210:string}pxelinux.0
chain ${filename} || goto failed
goto start

sanboot --no-describe ${boot-url}/macrium-5.0/macrium-5.0-rescue-winpe-3.1.iso || goto failed
goto start

sanboot --no-describe ${boot-url}/macrium-5.0/macrium-5.0-rescue-linux.iso || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting Macrium Reflect 5.0 (WinPE 3.1) for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/macrium-5.0/wimboot/
kernel ${boot-url}/wimboot
initrd ${base-url}bootmgr bootmgr
initrd ${base-url}boot/bcd BCD
initrd ${base-url}boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi
initrd ${base-url}sources/boot.wim boot.wim
boot || goto failed
goto start

###################### DIAGNOSTICS MENU #############################

menu Diagnostic tools
item hdt HDT 0.5.0
item memtest Memtest86+ 4.20
item memtestnbp Memtest86+ 4.20 (iPXE)
item breakin Breakin 3.71
item dban Darik's Boot and Nuke 2.2.6
item etdump Bart's etdump 1.2
item wdcdiag Western Digital Diagnostics 5.04f
item --key x back Back to top menu...
iseq ${menu-default} menu-diag && isset ${submenu-default} && goto menu-diag-timed ||
choose selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
choose --timeout ${submenu-timeout} --default ${submenu-default} selected && goto ${selected} || goto start

sanboot --no-describe ${boot-url}/hdt-0.5.0.iso || goto failed
goto start

chain ${boot-url}/memtest86+-4.20.elf.img - || goto failed
goto start

chain ${boot-url}/memtest.0 passes=1 && set memtest GOOD || set memtest BAD
set memtest_errno ${errno}
iseq ${memtest} GOOD && goto memtest-info ||
iseq ${memtest_errno} 0x1 && set memtest BAD || set memtest UNKNOWN
menu Your memory seems to be ${memtest}
item memtest-report Report memtest result to web service
item menu-diag Back to diagnostics menu...
choose --default menu-diag selected && goto ${selected} || goto start

chain ${boot-url}/memtest-report.cgi?result=${memtest}&mac=${mac}&uuid=${uuid}&hostname=${hostname} ||
goto menu-diag

# Stress-testing and diagnostics utility
# http://www.advancedclustering.com/software/breakin.html
# Set sshpasswd=yourpassword for remote access
# Set startup= to 'cloner' or 'rescue' for more features
# When startup=cloner, server= and image= can also be set
# http://www.advancedclustering.com/software/cloner.html
kernel ${boot-url}/breakin-3.71/kernel-3.71
initrd ${boot-url}/breakin-3.71/initrd-3.71.cpio.lzma
imgargs kernel-3.71 startup=breakin
boot || goto failed
goto start

sanboot --no-describe ${boot-url}/dban-2.2.6-i586.iso || goto failed
goto start

# Booting it with memdisk makes it read/write, while sanboot forces read/only
#sanboot --drive 0x00 ${boot-url}/freedos-etdump-floppy.img
initrd ${boot-url}/freedos-etdump-floppy.img
chain ${boot-url}/memdisk || goto failed
goto start

# Extracted the bootable floppy image from diag-5.04f.iso
sanboot --drive 0x00 ${boot-url}/western-digital/diag-5.04f.img || goto failed
goto start

############################ INSTALLER MENU #########################

menu Installers for ${initiator-iqn}
item freedos-install Install FreeDOS 1.1 to iSCSI
item msdos-install Install MS-DOS 6.22 to iSCSI
item ubuntu-install-amd64 Install Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 to iSCSI
item ubuntu-install-i386 Install Ubuntu 12.04 i386 to iSCSI
item windows7-install Install Windows 7 to iSCSI
item vmware-x64-install Install VMware ESXi 5.0 (x64) to iSCSI
item vmware-x86-install Install VMware ESXi 3.5 (x86) to iSCSI
item winpe Hook Windows 7 iSCSI and boot WinPE
item winpe-wimboot Boot WinPE using wimboot
item ubuntu-installer-amd64-remote Install Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 from public archive
item ubuntu-installer-i386-remote Install Ubuntu 12.04 i386 from public archive
item ubuntu-install-amd64-local Install Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 to local drive(s)
item ubuntu-install-i386-local Install Ubuntu 12.04 i386 to local drive(s)
item xenclient-install Install XenClient 2.1 to local drive
item --key x back Back to top menu...
iseq ${menu-default} menu-install && isset ${submenu-default} && goto menu-install-timed ||
choose selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
choose --timeout ${submenu-timeout} --default ${submenu-default} selected && goto ${selected} || goto start

echo Booting FreeDOS 1.1 installer to iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.freedos
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
sanboot --drive 0x81 ${boot-url}/freedos-1.1/fd11src.iso || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting MS-DOS 6.22 installer to iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.msdos
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x00 ${boot-url}/msdos-6.22/disk1.img || goto failed
goto start

echo Starting Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 installer for ${initiator-iqn}
# Hook iSCSI drive
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.ubuntu
#sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
# Start ubuntu-installer. Remember that the iSCSI target must be writable
# by anyone, as debian-installer generates a randomized initiator-iqn in
# /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
# The preseed script used takes care of rewriting it to the
# hostname-based IQN used in this script.
# This kernel param which open-iscsi README.Debian mentions doesn't work
# inside debian-installer, unfortunately: iscsi_initiator=${initiator-iqn}
# Hard workaround available here:
# http://umfcloudpilot.eduserv.org.uk/entr...ntu-server
set base-url ${boot-url}/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64
kernel ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux
initrd ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz
imgargs linux auto=true fb=false url=${base-url}/./preseed.cfg DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 netcfg/get_hostname=${hostname} partman-iscsi/login/address= partman-iscsi/login/targets=${base-iqn}:${hostname}.boot.ubuntu partman-iscsi/login/username=${username} partman-iscsi/login/password=${password}
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Starting Ubuntu 12.04 i386 installer for ${initiator-iqn}
# Hook iSCSI drive
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.ubuntu
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
# Start ubuntu-installer. Remember that the iSCSI target must be writable
# by anyone, as debian-installer generates a randomized initiator-iqn in
# /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
# The preseed script used takes care of rewriting it to the
# hostname-based IQN used in this script.
# This kernel param which open-iscsi README.Debian mentions doesn't work
# inside debian-installer, unfortunately: iscsi_initiator=${initiator-iqn}
# Hard workaround available here:
# http://umfcloudpilot.eduserv.org.uk/entr...ntu-server
set base-url ${boot-url}/ubuntu-12.04-server-i386
kernel ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/linux
initrd ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz
imgargs linux auto=true fb=false url=${base-url}/./preseed.cfg DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 netcfg/get_hostname=${hostname} partman-iscsi/login/address= partman-iscsi/login/targets=${base-iqn}:${hostname}.boot.ubuntu partman-iscsi/login/username=${username} partman-iscsi/login/password=${password}
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Starting Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 local installer for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64
kernel ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux
initrd ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz
imgargs linux auto=true fb=false url=${base-url}/./preseed.cfg
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Starting Ubuntu 12.04 i386 local installer for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/ubuntu-12.04-server-i386
kernel ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/linux
initrd ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz
imgargs linux auto=true fb=false url=${base-url}/./preseed.cfg
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Starting Windows 7 x64 installer for ${initiator-iqn}
# Hook iSCSI drive
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.windows7
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
# Start Windows 7 installer DVD
sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x81 ${boot-url}/windows-7/ultimate-x64.iso || goto failed
# Better solution, according to Oliver Rath on the mailing-list
# Requires massive amounts of RAM, though
#initrd ${boot-url}/windows-7/ultimate-x64.iso
#chain ${boot-url}/memdisk iso raw || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting VMware 64-bit installer for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.vmware
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
initrd ${boot-url}/vmware/vmware-esxi-5.0-x64.iso
chain ${boot-url}/memdisk iso || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting VMware 32-bit installer for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.vmware
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
initrd ${boot-url}/vmware/vmware-esxi-3.5-x86.iso
chain ${boot-url}/memdisk iso || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting Windows PE x64 installer for ${initiator-iqn}
echo (for installing Windows 7)
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.windows7
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed

# Remember to map the install volume with the following command:
# net use y: \\nas\wds /user:NAS\robin
# Use Y:\Operating Systems\Windows 7 x64\setup.exe to install

# Boots WinPE via native MS TFTP support
#chain tftp://${next-server}/%5CBoot%5CPXE%5Cpxeboot.n12
# Better solution, according to Oliver Rath on the mailing-list
# Requires decent amounts of RAM, though
# Details on how to generate winpe-x64.iso from you Windows 7 install DVD
# can be found here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/libra...10%29.aspx
initrd ${boot-url}/windows-7/winpe-x64.iso
chain ${boot-url}/memdisk iso raw || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting Windows PE x64 installer for ${initiator-iqn}
#echo (for installing Windows 7)
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.windows7
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed

# Remember to map the install volume with the following command:
# net use y: \\nas\wds /user:NAS\robin
# Use Y:\Operating Systems\Windows 7 x64\setup.exe to install

# Boots WinPE via iPXE wimboot binary
# BCD is from http://www.fensystems.co.uk/~mcb30/BCD
# wimboot prebuilt from http://www.fensystems.co.uk/~mcb30/wimboot
# source at http://git.ipxe.org/wimboot.git
# bootmgr.exe from the same package that enables PXE booting for Windows
# (most likely WDS tools)
set base-url ${boot-url}/winpe
cpuid --ext 29 && set arch amd64 || set arch x86
kernel ${boot-url}/wimboot
initrd ${base-url}/${arch}/media/bootmgr bootmgr
initrd ${base-url}/${arch}/media/Boot/BCD BCD
initrd ${base-url}/${arch}/media/Boot/Fonts/segmono_boot.ttf segmono_boot.ttf
initrd ${base-url}/${arch}/media/Boot/Fonts/segoe_slboot.ttf segoe_slboot.ttf
initrd ${base-url}/${arch}/media/Boot/Fonts/wgl4_boot.ttf wgl4_boot.ttf
initrd ${base-url}/${arch}/media/Boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi
initrd ${base-url}/${arch}/media/sources/boot.wim boot.wim
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Starting Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 installer for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dist...ller/amd64
kernel ${base-url}/linux
initrd ${base-url}/initrd.gz
#imgargs linux auto=true url=http://yourserver/some/path/preseed.cfg
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Starting Ubuntu 12.04 i386 installer for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dist...aller/i386
kernel ${base-url}/linux
initrd ${base-url}/initrd.gz
#imgargs linux auto=true url=http://yourserver/some/path/preseed.cfg
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting XenClient 2.1 installer for ${initiator-iqn}
# XenClient doesn't seem to support installing to iSCSI volumes
# It only supports installing using iBFT
#set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.xenclient
#sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
# The xenclient-2.1 folder is just the unpacked contents of the installer ISO
# Make sure you modify the isolinux.cfg and point it at your answer file URL
# You can find an example of the answer file in the "Setup and Usage Guide"
set 210:string ${boot-url}/xenclient-2.1/isolinux/
set 209:string isolinux.cfg
set filename ${210:string}pxelinux.0
chain ${filename} || goto failed
goto start

###################### LIVE ENVIRONMENT MENU ########################

menu Live environments for ${initiator-iqn}
item openelec-generic-live Boot OpenELEC Generic 2.0.0 i386
item openelec-intel-gma-live Boot OpenELEC Intel GMA 2.0.0 amd64
item ubuntu-live-1204-amd64 Boot Ubuntu LiveCD 12.04 amd64
item ubuntu-live-1204-i386 Boot Ubuntu LiveCD 12.04 i386
item mythbuntu-live-1204-amd64 Boot Mythbuntu LiveCD 12.04 amd64
item mythbuntu-live-1204-i386 Boot Mythbuntu LiveCD 12.04 i386
item slitaz-live Boot SliTaz 4.0 LiveCD
item smartos Boot SmartOS
item smartos-pre-ept Boot SmartOS (pre-ept)
item kms-test Boot KMS test kernel
item --key x back Back to top menu...
iseq ${menu-default} menu-live && isset ${submenu-default} && goto menu-live-timed ||
choose selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
choose --timeout ${submenu-timeout} --default ${submenu-default} selected && goto ${selected} || goto start

# Config from: http://wiki.openelec.tv/index.php?title=...Boot_-_NFS
# and http://wiki.openelec.tv/index.php?title=..._.28PXE.29
echo Booting OpenELEC Generic 2.0.0 i386 for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/openelec-generic-i386-2.0.0
kernel ${base-url}/target/KERNEL
initrd ${base-url}/target/SYSTEM
# NFS/NBD/iSCSI boot support only works on v2 of OpenELEC
# The NFS server must be specified as an IP, name resolution doesn't work Sad
imgargs KERNEL ip=dhcp boot=NFS= disk=NFS= overlay
boot || goto failed
goto start

# Config from: http://wiki.openelec.tv/index.php?title=...Boot_-_NFS
# and http://wiki.openelec.tv/index.php?title=..._.28PXE.29
echo Booting OpenELEC Intel GMA 2.0.0 amd64 for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/openelec-intel-amd64-2.0.0
kernel ${base-url}/target/KERNEL
initrd ${base-url}/target/SYSTEM
# NFS/NBD/iSCSI boot support only works on v2 of OpenELEC
# The NFS server must be specified as an IP, name resolution doesn't work Sad
imgargs KERNEL ip=dhcp boot=NFS= disk=NFS= overlay
boot || goto failed
goto start

# See http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/onei...per.7.html for casper cmdline details
echo Booting Ubuntu Live 12.04 amd64 for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/ubuntu-12.04-dvd-amd64
kernel ${base-url}/casper/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/casper/initrd.lz
imgargs vmlinuz root=/dev/nfs boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= locale=en_US.UTF-8 keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=no mirror/country=NO
boot || goto failed
goto start

# See http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/onei...per.7.html for casper cmdline details
echo Booting Ubuntu Live 12.04 i386 for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/ubuntu-12.04-dvd-i386
kernel ${base-url}/casper/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/casper/initrd.lz
imgargs vmlinuz root=/dev/nfs boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= locale=en_US.UTF-8 keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=no mirror/country=NO
boot || goto failed
goto start

# See http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/onei...per.7.html for casper cmdline details
echo Booting Mythbuntu Live 12.04 x64 for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/mythbuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64
kernel ${base-url}/casper/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/casper/initrd.lz
imgargs vmlinuz root=/dev/nfs boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= locale=en_US console-setup/layoutcode=no
boot || goto failed
goto start

# See http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/onei...per.7.html for casper cmdline details
echo Booting Mythbuntu Live 12.04 x86 for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/mythbuntu-12.04-desktop-i386
kernel ${base-url}/casper/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/casper/initrd.lz
imgargs vmlinuz root=/dev/nfs boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= locale=en_US console-setup/layoutcode=no
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting SliTaz 4.0 LiveCD for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/slitaz-4.0/
kernel ${base-url}/boot/bzImage
initrd ${base-url}/boot/rootfs4.gz
initrd ${base-url}/boot/rootfs3.gz
initrd ${base-url}/boot/rootfs2.gz
initrd ${base-url}/boot/rootfs1.gz
imgargs bzImage rw root=/dev/null vga=normal autologin lang=en_US kmap=no-latin1
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Starting SmartOS for ${initiator-iqn}
# Hook zones drive (optional)
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.smartos
sanhook ${root-path} ||
# See http://nahamu.github.com/2011/08/17/smartos-pxe.html for details
set base-url ${boot-url}/smartos/platform/i86pc
kernel ${base-url}/kernel/amd64/unix
module ${base-url}/amd64/boot_archive
# See http://wiki.smartos.org/display/DOC/Gett...th+SmartOS
# smartos=true to run zpool "installer" (and disable noimport=true)
imgargs unix -v -B console=text,standalone=true,noimport=true,keyboard-layout=norway,root_shadow='$1$RKv<your-encrypted-password-here>eQCWk.'
#imgargs unix -v -B console=text,standalone=true,smartos=true,keyboard-layout=norway,root_shadow='$1$RKv<your-encrypted-password-here>eQCWk.'
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Starting SmartOS (pre-ept branch) for ${initiator-iqn}
# See http://nahamu.github.com/2011/08/17/smartos-pxe.html for details
# pre-ept image downloaded from http://alpha.sysmgr.org/smartos-20120223-jmc2.iso
# Posted by LeftWing on #illumos / FreeNode at 2012-04-11 09:09 UTC+2
set base-url ${boot-url}/smartos/pre-ept/platform/i86pc
kernel ${base-url}/kernel/amd64/unix
module ${base-url}/amd64/boot_archive
imgargs unix -v -B console=text,standalone=true,noimport=true,root_shadow='$1$RKv<your-encrypted-password-here>eQCWk.'
boot || goto failed
goto start

echo Booting KMS-enabled Linux kernel for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/kms_test
kernel ${base-url}/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/initrd ||
imgargs vmlinuz rw root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=nas.smidsrod.lan:/raid/kms_test ip=dhcp ||
boot || goto failed
goto start


You didn't clearly specify which menu option you were using. You just said windows didn't boot. Based on the fact that you're using my menu I'm going to assume you're using the "Boot Windows7 from iSCSI" on the initial menu. That option won't work without actually _installing_ Windows 7 to the iSCSI volume.

You should be able to find examples of how to install Windows 7 in the "Installer" menu, which you seem to also have kept in there. Just remember that once you boot up the WinPE in the menu, you also need to run the Windows installer from a SMB file share somewhere.

If the iSCSI volume doesn't show up during disk partitioning, then you most likely have the same problem a bunch of other people have had before you, namely the problem with the default gateway in the iBFT description. See the stickied post on the front page for a solution.
thank for your quickly reply

i think i miss something basic logical instruction . i haven't found a clearly faq for me...
if i right understand when i boot from ipxe the pc (that have assigned an ip from the dhcp server - in this case the synology) goes to the directory tftproot and start to use undionly.kpxe....

then, if i correctly understand, the pc read bootstrap.ipxe and then menu.ipxe

arrived at this point I SUPPOSE that if I SEE THE MENU everything is ok and the iscsi is assigned to the pc.

is it right?

i have also created in a folder named windows-7 and inside a placed ultimate-x64.iso.... but nothing
after this i read the menu that you wrote (fantastic):.. and if i decide to start windows 7 i need a new fresh install and the dvd /iso to start .
if i suppose to use a virtual machine i insert the iso in the virtual drive .. and nothing happen...
do i have to modify the menu or something else?
if i have to read something special let me know

excuse me but i really have this problem.

also reading this:

echo Starting Windows 7 x64 installer for ${initiator-iqn}
# Hook iSCSI drive
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.windows7
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
# Start Windows 7 installer DVD
sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x81 ${boot-url}/windows-7/ultimate-x64.iso || goto failed
# Better solution, according to Oliver Rath on the mailing-list
# Requires massive amounts of RAM, though
#initrd ${boot-url}/windows-7/ultimate-x64.iso
#chain ${boot-url}/memdisk iso raw || goto failed
goto start

i have a doubt.. my synology ip is
do I specify it correctly in the boot.ipxe menu?
(2013-05-01 12:49)whisper74 Wrote: [ -> ]then, if i correctly understand, the pc read bootstrap.ipxe and then menu.ipxe

arrived at this point I SUPPOSE that if I SEE THE MENU everything is ok and the iscsi is assigned to the pc.

is it right?

No. Not even close. Your iSCSI target is not magically set up correctly with an installed copy of Windows just because you got the iPXE menu working. I'm afraid it's a lot more complicated than that.

You might want to start with something simpler.

ok thanks. i am here to learn. let me know what to study and i will see it.
(2013-05-01 19:20)whisper74 Wrote: [ -> ]ok thanks. i am here to learn. let me know what to study and i will see it.

Start with some of the simple tasks with good documentation. For example, you could try following the instructions at http://ipxe.org/howto/winpe to get a working setup for installing Windows over the network.

Thank so m8ch michael. I will start reading ...
(2013-05-02 10:41)whisper74 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank so m8ch michael. I will start reading ...

Hi i' have successfully setup ipxe with synology, in my setup i use one virtual machine for trying, my VM is setting to boot first via network and after via CD-ROM in my case i start machine, whait ipxe menu, start windows7 install over iscsi, in my case i can not load iso via http, so, setup fail, after the VM boot via cd-rom and i able to install win7 on iscsi target.
you cant use iso with tftp but you gave to use http for downloading iso via ipxe.
(2013-05-02 14:54)Aigor Wrote: [ -> ]Hi i' have successfully setup ipxe with synology, in my setup i use one virtual machine for trying, my VM is setting to boot first via network and after via CD-ROM in my case i start machine, whait ipxe menu, start windows7 install over iscsi, in my case i can not load iso via http, so, setup fail, after the VM boot via cd-rom and i able to install win7 on iscsi target.
you cant use iso with tftp but you gave to use http for downloading iso via ipxe.

Correct; TFTP does not support SAN booting.

For installing Windows over the network, you can use http://ipxe.org/wimboot, which will be faster than attempting to SAN-boot an ISO image.

(2013-05-02 15:05)mcb30 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013-05-02 14:54)Aigor Wrote: [ -> ]Hi i' have successfully setup ipxe with synology, in my setup i use one virtual machine for trying, my VM is setting to boot first via network and after via CD-ROM in my case i start machine, whait ipxe menu, start windows7 install over iscsi, in my case i can not load iso via http, so, setup fail, after the VM boot via cd-rom and i able to install win7 on iscsi target.
you cant use iso with tftp but you gave to use http for downloading iso via ipxe.

Correct; TFTP does not support SAN booting.

For installing Windows over the network, you can use http://ipxe.org/wimboot, which will be faster than attempting to SAN-boot an ISO image.

Thank you Michael, i have used a little workaround Big Grin as you can read, i can connect ISO image to my VM and setting up boot sequence like this
I this way i can avoid using wimboot or http downloading iso.
(2013-05-02 15:21)Aigor Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you Michael, i have used a little workaround Big Grin as you can read, i can connect ISO image to my VM and setting up boot sequence like this
I this way i can avoid using wimboot or http downloading iso.

Yes, that works well for VMs. If you need to install physical machines, then you'll need to use an alternative method such as wimboot.

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