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Full Version: sanboot and windows 7 iso
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Hi There,

See below my script.
I can boot a winpe.iso image with sanboot : ok.
I can boot a winpe.wim image with wimboot : ok.
I can boot a pmagic.iso image with memdisk : ok.

but I cannot boot a win7.iso with sanboot.
I can actually boot up to the windows wizard where i should a disk to install to but then the wizard complains about a missing cd/dvd driver.
Any idea why?

side note : i have also posted about a all in one pxe server i made to help me boot different scenarios : http://reboot.pro/topic/18488-all-in-one...?p=171734.

Thanks for your help,

set boot-url
######## MAIN MENU ###################
menu Welcome to iPXE's Boot Menu
item --gap -- ------------------------- Operating systems ------------------------------
item 7pe_x86_E Boot 7pe_x86 via sanboot OK
item pmagic Boot pmagic via memdisk OK
item wimboot wimboot 7pe_x86_E OK
item win7 Boot win7 installer via sanboot NOK
item bootsan Boot On San OK
item --gap -- ------------------------------ Utilities ---------------------------------
item shell Enter iPXE shell
item reboot Reboot
item exit Exit (boot local disk)
choose --default 7pe_x86_E_1 --timeout 30000 target && goto ${target}
########## UTILITY ITEMS ####################
echo Type exit to get the back to the menu
set menu-timeout 0
goto start

echo Booting failed, dropping to shell
goto shell


########## MENU ITEMS #######################
windows logo
sanboot --no-describe ${boot-url}/images/7pe_x86.iso || goto failed
goto start

initrd ${boot-url}/images/pmagic/pmagic_2013_02_28.iso
chain ${boot-url}/memdisk iso || goto failed
goto start

#dhcp net0
#set keep-san 1
sanboot --no-describe --keep ${boot-url}/images/win7_x86_sp1.iso || goto failed
goto start

dhcp net0
set keep-san 1
sanboot iscsi:
goto start

kernel wimboot
goto start
(2013-04-30 22:34)erwan.l Wrote: [ -> ]I can boot a winpe.iso image with sanboot : ok.
I can boot a winpe.wim image with wimboot : ok.
I can boot a pmagic.iso image with memdisk : ok.

but I cannot boot a win7.iso with sanboot.
I can actually boot up to the windows wizard where i should a disk to install to but then the wizard complains about a missing cd/dvd driver.
Any idea why?

Windows has no way to access the SAN-booted .iso image. As soon as the Windows kernel starts up, the real-mode INT 13 interface provided by iPXE's "sanboot" ceases to exist.

For installing Windows over the network, the easiest way is to use wimboot as described at http://ipxe.org/howto/winpe#installing_windows.

Oki, clear.
As I was able to boot a winpe iso thru sanboot, I thought I would be able to boot the windows installer.

Your tutorial on winpe/wimboot is perfeft : already had fun with it.

Thanks for the answer : great product, great support.

(2013-05-01 13:09)erwan.l Wrote: [ -> ]Oki, clear.
As I was able to boot a winpe iso thru sanboot, I thought I would be able to boot the windows installer.

Your tutorial on winpe/wimboot is perfeft : already had fun with it.

Thanks for the answer : great product, great support.


i have the exact same problem, i have been trying to avoid using winpe as a boot loader because... well... i don't have one.
but , if anyone can send me an iso with an already made one i'll fix that in a jiffy.
(2018-07-02 14:13)vascomorais Wrote: [ -> ]i have the exact same problem, i have been trying to avoid using winpe as a boot loader because... well... i don't have one.
but , if anyone can send me an iso with an already made one i'll fix that in a jiffy.

All windows Vista and later isos have winpe on them, just extract the boot.wim
You won't even have to modify it if you are willing to do manual steps after bootup (Shift+F10 to get CMD prompt and restart the setup from a valid mount point)
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