I have build snponly.efi, which can run in my UEFI uut, but when I want to use sanboot cmd to connect my iscsi target server, nothing happened.
error code is 0x3f142003, before this operation, I have use dhcp cmd and get ip successfully.
sanboot cmd is not be supported in UEFI env?
(2013-05-02 09:39)evan yu Wrote: [ -> ]I have build snponly.efi, which can run in my UEFI uut, but when I want to use sanboot cmd to connect my iscsi target server, nothing happened.
error code is 0x3f142003, before this operation, I have use dhcp cmd and get ip successfully.
sanboot cmd is not be supported in UEFI env?
SAN booting support for UEFI is mostly implemented but is not yet merged into the iPXE master branch. For now, I would recommend using the BIOS version of iPXE for SAN booting.
Thank you for your answer.
BTW, could you tell me the general schedule for this plan merging SAN boot function for UEFI into the master branch?
(2013-05-03 02:50)evan yu Wrote: [ -> ]BTW, could you tell me the general schedule for this plan merging SAN boot function for UEFI into the master branch?
It's an unfunded feature, so the schedule is essentially "when I get around to doing it".
Hi Michael
I notice that the iscsi operation will call int13 api in /arch/i386/interface/pcbios/int13.c at legacy BIOS version. Int13 is an interrupt process provided by BIOS, but under uefi env we have no chance to get it, so I really want to know how you can achieve iscsi under uefi env?
Would you like to give me a demo for testing?
(2013-05-28 09:04)evan yu Wrote: [ -> ]I notice that the iscsi operation will call int13 api in /arch/i386/interface/pcbios/int13.c at legacy BIOS version. Int13 is an interrupt process provided by BIOS, but under uefi env we have no chance to get it, so I really want to know how you can achieve iscsi under uefi env?
Would you like to give me a demo for testing?
We provide an EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL exposing iPXE's internal notion of a block device.
Thank you Michael.
If there is any chance to merge iscsi boot into the UEFI version of iPXE?
Because in our project, some UUT have only UEFI env. We hope to use the ipxe iscsi function to boot them.
Looking forward to your reply
Dear Michael.
My UUT and iscsi target server can communicate through iscsi protocol by merging some code related with iscsi protocol from bios version to UEFI,
but I don't know how to deal with the next step. whether should use EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL to replace the int13 architecture?
It's over my head.
When can you merging SAN boot function for UEFI into the master branch?
(2013-06-20 05:01)evan yu Wrote: [ -> ]My UUT and iscsi target server can communicate through iscsi protocol by merging some code related with iscsi protocol from bios version to UEFI,
but I don't know how to deal with the next step. whether should use EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL to replace the int13 architecture?
It's over my head.
When can you merging SAN boot function for UEFI into the master branch?
It's on the "non-urgent" timeline at present (since no-one is funding this development), and will probably happen by the end of September.
I want to know the start process in GPT UEFI env, Any help and reference would be appreciated
Hi, is there any update for iscsi boot in UEFI?
When can you add this feature into ipxe?
The simplest way to be made aware of progress on iPXE is to use the github mirror of the ipxe source code, and add a watcher there, which should notify you of any changes to the code. You can also subscribe to the mailing-list or the twitter account. Important changes are usually communicated on one or both of those places.
I tried to chainload an iSCSI target from snponly.efi , it reports error on
http://ipxe.org/err/3f1420. I did some research on the latest source code, it seems the iSCSI is still not supported, am I right? If yes, any plan to put it in?
(2013-05-02 10:52)mcb30 Wrote: [ -> ]SAN booting support for UEFI is mostly implemented but is not yet merged into the iPXE master branch. For now, I would recommend using the BIOS version of iPXE for SAN booting.
Hi, I'm interesting with UEFI iSCSI boot, so where can I found the code?
Hmmm OK there. As of today (May 2016), the iSCSI initiator is still remains unsupported (not implemented) for ipxe in UEFI mode.
Being also affected by this, it surprises me if we cannot get a commercial interest for funding / OSS project donation. Since it is such a very useful feature for enterprise too.
I am also very interested in this feature. I'm happy to contribute, and I can also secure funding if that is still an issue.
as this doesnt seem to get implemented
i was wondering if theres another method for EFI to boot vhd/img disks through the network except iscsi?
I'd like to express my appreciation for the implementation of EFI sanboot support in iPXE! Today I succeeded in getting a diskless client PC to EFI sanboot to WinPE, with a iSCSI virtual disk carrying GPT disk partitions.
I then initiated a Windows 10 (version 1607) OS installation into a mounted iSCSI virtual disk, but ran into the dreaded "iSCSI deployment is disabled since no NICs referenced in the iBFT can be resolved to actual NT-visible devices." error message. I'm trying to figure out what I might have done wrong, or whether iPXE may have an issue with iBFT in EFI mode.
(2017-01-15 07:06)scan80269 Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to express my appreciation for the implementation of EFI sanboot support in iPXE! Today I succeeded in getting a diskless client PC to EFI sanboot to WinPE, with a iSCSI virtual disk carrying GPT disk partitions.
I then initiated a Windows 10 (version 1607) OS installation into a mounted iSCSI virtual disk, but ran into the dreaded "iSCSI deployment is disabled since no NICs referenced in the iBFT can be resolved to actual NT-visible devices." error message. I'm trying to figure out what I might have done wrong, or whether iPXE may have an issue with iBFT in EFI mode.
I think there is one patch for ibft in efi mode on the mailing list that you want to grab, there is also one patch about executable boot.
Normaly winboot is used to boot into winpe, which has worked for quite some time...
There is one or 2 other patches from Vishvananda Ishaya Abrams which you might want to apply, most of them from December.