2013-11-27, 15:52
Hi all,
while playing with iPXE lately and having a working setup working distros came flying in so my main menu got a bit crowed and I decided to go with submenus. Following the example on https://gist.github.com/robinsmidsrod/22...u-ipxe-L16 I found the file a bit to big and tried to split the submenus into seperate files calling them with chain filename. This worked reall easy. Just now I wonder if there might be any drawbacks in the method I'm using?
This calls menu-inst.ipxe just fine and presents the submenu.
The back item just calls the main menu with chain and were back at the main menu.
I right now have on main menu file and three sub menu files. All neat and clean and easy to read. Also some code is duplicated like failed back and cancel but thats no deal for me.
Any comments or thoughts you have calling submenus like that?
while playing with iPXE lately and having a working setup working distros came flying in so my main menu got a bit crowed and I decided to go with submenus. Following the example on https://gist.github.com/robinsmidsrod/22...u-ipxe-L16 I found the file a bit to big and tried to split the submenus into seperate files calling them with chain filename. This worked reall easy. Just now I wonder if there might be any drawbacks in the method I'm using?
This calls menu-inst.ipxe just fine and presents the submenu.
# calling the submenu from main menu
chain --replace --autofree ${boot-url}/menu-inst.ipxe
The back item just calls the main menu with chain and were back at the main menu.
# set menu timeout
set submenu-timeout 0
# set default menu. run after menu timeout
isset ${submenu-default} || set submenu-default back
# Show Main Menu #
menu Install Media
#item --gap -- --- Entries ---
item --key d debian Debian Wheezy (Gnome)
item debianK Debian Wheezy (KDE)
item debianL Debian Wheezy (LXDE)
item debianX Debian Wheezy (XFCE)
item --gap --
item --key b back Back to Main Menu
choose --timeout ${submenu-timeout} --default ${submenu-default} selected || goto cancel
set submenu-timeout 0
goto ${selected}
kernel isos/debian/netboot${arch}/linux priority=low vga=788 ${desktop}
initrd isos/debian/netboot${arch}/initrd.gz
boot || goto failed
set desktop kde
goto debian
set desktop lxde
goto debian
set desktop xcfe
goto debian
chain --replace --autofree ${menu-url}
echo Booting failed.
prompt Press key to continue
goto menu-inst
echo Menu canceled. Restarting machine.
I right now have on main menu file and three sub menu files. All neat and clean and easy to read. Also some code is duplicated like failed back and cancel but thats no deal for me.
Any comments or thoughts you have calling submenus like that?