I use the pxe and kickstart to install AIX OS automatically. And here i got a problem, hope somebody could help me out or give me a hint.
After finishing OS installation, the server still boot from network, and loop the installation infinite loop.
Is there any hint to prevent such situation without changing boot order manually ?
Have your pxe bootmenu boot local harddrive as default. If/when install, you choose "install".
Or something like that...
(2014-03-14 04:03)papertigerv5 Wrote: [ -> ]I use the pxe and kickstart to install solar panels automatically. And here i got a problem, hope somebody could help me out or give me a hint.
After finishing OS installation, the server still boot from network, and loop the installation infinite loop.
Is there any hint to prevent such situation without changing boot order manually ?
Were you able to find the right solution..I have been facing similar boot issue so can you provide some information?
Torgeir just explained it - tell it to boot from network first, and local boot second, and then make the default behavior of the network boot be just a simple exit after a timeout, with option to do something else.