On loading the ipxe rom I get:
"Try to free Memory without Signature"
This is a new PowerEdge M630 blade server that has the firmware fully updated.
I tried to pxe boot a custom built rom with all drivers and also undionly.
Any ideas of other things to try?
Bios reports:
10 Gb Ethernet BCM57810
(2015-05-06 20:02)steverweber Wrote: [ -> ]On loading the ipxe rom I get:
"Try to free Memory without Signature"
This is a new PowerEdge M630 blade server that has the firmware fully updated.
I tried to pxe boot a custom built rom with all drivers and also undionly.
Could you post some more information, Is there any iPXE error code, and possible the ipxe.org error url? (searching the iPXE source there is no such message so the message must come from BIOS, even if iPXE might be the cause.)
Since you have tried undionly, I'm assuming this is legacy and not in EFI mode?
If you have a screenshoot that might help (the fog forum requires registration to view the one posted there)
Reading through this:
It seems, to me, this is being chainloaded through ipxe.lkrn via an EFI device?
The sounds of it, it's loading ipxe.lkrn, but then passing from EFI back into legacy which, as far as I know, is not really allowed.
I ask these questions because I am a developer of the fogproject, and may be able to help narrow the issue down more directly.
(2015-05-06 23:06)mastacontrola Wrote: [ -> ]The sounds of it, it's loading ipxe.lkrn, but then passing from EFI back into legacy which, as far as I know, is not really allowed.
Interesting find, well EFI capable HW in Legacy mode is still legacy, so don't think there is any EFI involved.
But to be sure @steverweber how (exactly) do you load ipxe? is it directly from POST into ipxe, or is there any other steps involved (such as pxelinux or ipxe.lkrn) And with an ipxe rom you mean that you flashed it into the NIC rom chip and POST hands over directly to that ROM?
I'm booting from POST using "network boot" .. dhcp, tftp..
Also tried using an ISO "mounted" as a virtual CD rom...
Same error.
Haven't tried flashing it into the NIC rom chip.
Running in legacy mode not in EFI mode
There is no error numbers..
here is the basically what my screen looks like..
thats the image from the fogg forum.
(2015-05-13 22:19)steverweber Wrote: [ -> ]debug= device,pci,undi,undirom,undiload,undinet,pxeparent
The only supported variant is uppercase, in your case please try this:
make bin/undionly.kpxe DEBUG=device,pci,undi,undirom,undiload,undinet,pxeparent
(2015-05-19 16:17)NiKiZe Wrote: [ -> ]The only supported variant is uppercase, in your case please try this:
make bin/undionly.kpxe DEBUG=device,pci,undi,undirom,undiload,undinet,pxeparent
I get
this when I boot from ipxe.usb on a Dell PowerEdge R630 with the Broadcom converged 2x10G,2x1G NIC. (Transcription errors possible below)
Scanning for PXE expansion ROMs
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 trying expansion ROM at c000:0000 (32kB)
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 has no PXE ROM ID
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 trying PXE expansion rom at c800:0000 (14kB)
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 has no PXE ROM ID
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 trying PXE expansion rom at cb80:0000 (1kB)
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 has PXE ROM ID at cb80:0020
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 has UNDI loader at cb80:0299 (code ac50 data 3ba0)
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 has PCI expansion header at cb80:0040
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 is for PCI devices 14e4:168a
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 registere
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 trying expansion ROM at cbc0:0000 (30kB)
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 has PXE ROM ID at cbc0:2020
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 has bad PXE ROM ID signature 5f5b5e10
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 trying expansion ROM at d380:0000 (4kB)
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 has no PXE ROM ID
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 trying expansion ROM at ec00:0000 (16kB)
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 has PXE ROM ID at ec00:206e
UNDIROM 0xcf7a4 has bad PXE ROM ID signature 07200720
No UNDI ROM matched PCI 14e4:168a (fff80000)
UDNIROM 0xcf7a4 matched PCI 14e4:168a (00000000)
UNDI 0xcf74 loading UNDI ROM 0xcf7a4 to CS 8e7b DS 8ac1 for PCI 01:00.0
Try to free Memory without Signature_
Hi All,
Was there any resolution to the issue. We have the same problem on HP Proliant Gen8/9 servers ..
I enabled the debug options and the error displayed is as follows:
Loading ipxe.lkrn...ready
UNDINIC 0x1cc34 cannot disable interrupts
UNDINIC 0x1cc34 closed
UNDINIC 0x1cc34 removed
Removed UNDI root bus
IPXE Initialising devices...
Try to free Memory without Signature
(2015-08-11 20:57)steverweber Wrote: [ -> ]I had no luck.
After some further testing I've narrowed the issue down to the lack of a native driver for the 10G Broadcom NICS - specifically: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM57810 10 Gigabit Ethernet [14e4:168e] & [14e4:16a2]
Is there a channel where we can request drivers ?
(2015-08-12 16:21)khanand Wrote: [ -> ]Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM57810 10 Gigabit Ethernet [14e4:168e] & [14e4:16a2]
Also a problem with Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM57800 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet [14e4:168a]
I think there are really two problems here. One is that there isn't yet a driver for the BCM57800/BCM57810. The other is that UNDI isn't working with them.
UNDI works for the network cards above. The problem is with a lack of driver support when using the ipxe.lkrn.
Is there a way to force the use of UNDI instead of native driver in ipxe.lkrn ?
(2015-08-17 10:07)khanand Wrote: [ -> ]UNDI works for the network cards above. The problem is with a lack of driver support when using the ipxe.lkrn.
Is there a way to force the use of UNDI instead of native driver in ipxe.lkrn ?
The problem for me is that UNDI doesn't work on these cards (and there's no native driver.) The error message it ends with isn't from iPXE. It appears to be coming from self-check in the cards' UNDI implementation.