Does an equivalent of undionly.kpxe exists where iPXE keeps the DHCP info? I'm already using snponly.efi but it still need to make a new DHCP request.
As I understand the DHCP packets is not cached in EFI and thus not available for iPXE to read, and therefore it needs to do a full dhcp to get the information. Hopefully mcb30 can jump in here and give the correct explanation.
EFI and legacy iPXE load is fundamentaly different, for example ipxe.efi can load its own native drivers and fallback to NII or SNP if there is no native driver available, this is a big difference from legacy ipxe where there is no support for native and undi in the same binary.
Use ifopen net0 instead of dhcp net0 in an embedded script to reuse the existing DHCP packet from the previous PXE stack.