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Full Version: Booting from local hard drive
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Hi all

I'm quite new to iPXE and need some newbie advice...
I'm unable to get an Intel NUC to boot from the local hard drive neither with the exit (hard drive is second in the boot order) nor by using sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x80
I also tried --drive 0x81...5
It works though on a Dell Laptop.

Any help or hints would be appreciated!
(2016-01-21 12:52)FreeMinded Wrote: [ -> ]I'm unable to get an Intel NUC to boot from the local hard drive neither with the exit (hard drive is second in the boot order) nor by using sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x80

What actually happens when you try this command on the NUC?

Hi mcb30

Thanks for your reply! I got it to work, but can't actually tell why it wasn't before...
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