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Full Version: Freeform text entry
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Is there a way to elicit freeform text entry? The only input field I see is the 'login' command, but I want something where I may ask for desired hostname or something? I've searched, but found nothing.
(2017-03-18 06:30)vtwaldo21 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a way to elicit freeform text entry? The only input field I see is the 'login' command, but I want something where I may ask for desired hostname or something? I've searched, but found nothing.

To post a suggestion to my own thread, maybe I can use "read" and assign to a variable that I am not intending on using? Or can you read to arbitrary values, e.g. echo -n "Please provide foo:" && read bar

That is a simple test, but I don't have IPXE access here to try it out.
Yes read http://ipxe.org/cmd/read is exactly for this.
ipxe can be downloaded from boot.ipxe.org
it is also possible to compile and run ipxe in linux and that way make it possible to run script tests without a virtual machine and real hw
Thanks for the response. I was able to try it out and it works. I was hoping for something more gui friendly like the "login" and "choose" option. But I can manage with this. Thanks again.
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