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Full Version: Build error: "No rule to make target 'bin/y.dbg1.o'"
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This is on Fedora 24, with a freshly cloned ipxe as of half an hour or so ago. I believe I have all the dependencies listed.

cd ipxe/src
, as advised on the Download page, runs for a while before stopping with:
make: *** No rule to make target 'bin/y.dbg1.o', needed by 'bin/blib.a'.  Stop.

I don't really know where to start looking, to be honest. Any ideas?


if you build with
make DEBUG=y
you will get this error, you will also get this if you do
DEBUG=y make
or export DEBUG=y

if you have a script where DEBUG=y is set it will probably generate the same thing.

The fix is to make sure that DEBUG is not set.
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