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  Thread: UEFI and iPXE
Post: UEFI and iPXE

I am trying to UEFI: IPv4 PXE boot into clonezilla via iPXE. This machine is an Acer AIO which does not have legacy BIOS support. But I would also like to see if EFI PXE booting is a possibility for ...
ndogmail General 2 17,569 2013-07-10, 07:47
  Thread: Netboot and iPXE
Post: RE: Netboot and iPXE

Just like to add 2 cents worth here. I have noticed that since August 2012 newer MacBook Pros and Macbook Airs do in fact support BIOS legacy mode when booting from USB pen. A quick and simple way to...
ndogmail General 11 86,922 2012-11-22, 04:49
  Thread: Netboot and iPXE
Post: RE: Netboot and iPXE

The holy grail of mac, getting netboot to work with a pxe server. From the post it says here. filename "/osx/i386/booter"; next-server; option root-path = "
ndogmail General 11 86,922 2012-08-26, 06:14
  Thread: HP laptop hanging at iPXE initialising devices...
Post: RE: HP laptop hanging at iPXE initialising devices...

Hi everyone just closing this thread, sorry for late reply. (2012-03-21 08:55)jpwise Wrote:  ndogmail - if you're not in the position to try bisect'ing the git commits i might be able to try it...
ndogmail General 4 22,330 2012-08-26, 06:08
  Thread: request compiled efi binaries
Post: RE: request compiled efi binaries

I will try with ferdora core 16 64bit later on. Yes the idea is to make a bootable EFI usb pen (for Macbook) to launch iPXE. Have a few sites that I am testing this, the idea being boot from a USB p...
ndogmail General 5 23,188 2012-03-28, 04:04
  Thread: request compiled efi binaries
Post: RE: request compiled efi binaries

I was having the same compile error at this user - Using ubuntu 11.04 (I'm using) downloaded the binutils-dev package however getting this error Code: [H...
ndogmail General 5 23,188 2012-03-27, 05:04
  Thread: request compiled efi binaries
Post: request compiled efi binaries

Just wondering if someone could make bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi make bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi and share with me. Having a hard time compiling these on a unbuntu standard install which is complaining abou...
ndogmail General 5 23,188 2012-03-22, 05:55
  Thread: HP laptop hanging at iPXE initialising devices...
Post: HP laptop hanging at iPXE initialising devices...

Hi All Just compiled a fresh iPXE from scratch today using the git repository. Am using the undionly.kpxe and is working fantastic. I am using it to boot macbooks and macbook pros into our clonezilla...
ndogmail General 4 22,330 2012-03-16, 05:29