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  Thread: Sanboot Slitaz Live CD
Post: RE: Sanboot Slitaz Live CD

You could be right about that it could mean UNDI and native driver both be active on the same device will cause trouble. However i already have issues when chainloading undionly.kpxe-->pxelinux.0+v...
lstraath General 6 34,304 2011-12-26, 11:33
  Thread: paranoid chainloading script for flimsy tftp
Post: RE: paranoid chainloading script for flimsy tftp

You are right that the script language is very limited, i also found that building loops like: #!ipxe :retry_dhcp dhcp || goto retry_dhcp :retry_chain chain http://myserver/boot.php || goto retry_cha...
lstraath General 3 15,435 2011-12-26, 11:19
  Thread: paranoid chainloading script for flimsy tftp
Post: paranoid chainloading script for flimsy tftp

Are you chainloading undionly.kpxe and want a universal script to break the loop... Code: #!ipxe :label_retry_dhcp dhcp && goto label_check_loop set countdhcp ${countdhcp}x iseq ${co...
lstraath General 3 15,435 2011-12-23, 22:25
  Thread: Sanboot Slitaz Live CD
Post: RE: Sanboot Slitaz Live CD

Correction to my last post, i can get Slitaz.iso to boot on VM workstation now. My problem was that i used: undionly.kpxe pxelinux.0 (latest version) default com32/vesamenu.c32 label 2iscsi menu lab...
lstraath General 6 34,304 2011-12-22, 07:25
  Thread: DHCP command incomplete
Post: RE: DHCP command incomplete

I do not have the DHCP server you mention but i have the latest pfSense release where you can add every option you want in the gui. I added 224 however when i do something like this i see nothing. #!...
lstraath General 2 13,783 2011-12-21, 07:33
  Thread: Sanboot Slitaz Live CD
Post: RE: Sanboot Slitaz Live CD

I have been able to boot a W7x86pe iso, problems i have had with this setup that it can run on one piece of hardware and fail on another. It should be able on all hardware to be usefull. One remark ma...
lstraath General 6 34,304 2011-12-20, 19:58
  Thread: DHCP command incomplete
Post: DHCP command incomplete

Hi, i found that ipxe when using dhcp in a script does reject all dhcp-options that are not used by ipxe. My request is that it does not reject them because you can make good use of them in script. Le...
lstraath General 2 13,783 2011-12-20, 19:08
  Thread: Simple HTTP Chainload scheme...
Post: RE: Simple HTTP Chainload scheme...

I still hate the fact that you get a infinite loop by default when chainloading. And because i keep changing my mind for home usage (just fooling around with it's possibilities), i don't want to embed...
lstraath General 3 19,813 2011-12-20, 18:40
  Thread: Keep track of last boot?
Post: RE: Keep track of last boot?

(2011-10-20 18:42)dpuckett Wrote:  Is there any way to keep track of the last booted OS? I want to configure iPXE to launch menu.c32 (this is working) but I want it to have a timeout where it b...
lstraath General 7 31,490 2011-12-14, 16:30
  Thread: how to boot from gzip image file (*.img.gz)
Post: RE: how to boot from gzip image file (*.img.gz)

I'm not sure i understand your question, but it looks like you made a img.gz file of a installed OS with a cloning tool and want to boot a machine from that img.gz file. If this is the case this will ...
lstraath General 1 21,362 2011-12-14, 16:25