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  Thread: A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing . BOOTMGR is compressed. Press Ctrl+alt
Post: RE: A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing ...

I configured my DHCP as below: [img]
nick General 6 20,217 2017-07-21, 12:14
  Thread: A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing . BOOTMGR is compressed. Press Ctrl+alt
Post: RE: A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing ...

Which version of iPXE are you using ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I just downloaded the undionly.kpxe from I checked the...
nick General 6 20,217 2017-07-19, 09:19
  Thread: A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing . BOOTMGR is compressed. Press Ctrl+alt
Post: RE: A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing ...

I have installed the window7 on iscsi vhd, The first time I can enter the window fast (in 1 minute), but second time, I spent 20 minutes to enter the windw 7. because I cant upload a picture here ,so...
nick General 6 20,217 2017-07-19, 03:47
  Thread: A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing . BOOTMGR is compressed. Press Ctrl+alt
Post: RE: A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing ...

I tried again, after i installed the OS ,I can enter the windows immediately, But after that, The same error was reported . The iscsi server still send [a disk read error occured BOOTMGR is missing, B...
nick General 6 20,217 2017-07-18, 04:51
  Thread: A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing . BOOTMGR is compressed. Press Ctrl+alt
Post: A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing . BO...

I got the message [A disk read error occurred BOOTMGR is missing . BOOTMGR is compressed. Press Ctrl+alt+Del to restart] by capturing packet with wireshark when I start up window 7 with following com...
nick General 6 20,217 2017-07-16, 07:29
  Thread: invalid partition table
Post: invalid partition table

hI guys, I met a problem when i try to install window 7 into iscsi target . I captured the packet with wireshark, It shows [ invalid partition table ] when i start up winpe. Is there anybody know the...
nick General 1 6,546 2017-07-15, 17:38