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  Thread: iPXE and Kaspersky Rescue CD
Post: RE: iPXE and Kaspersky Rescue CD

I searched for "Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 PXE" and found Granted this is for PXE booting rather than iPXE booting...
shouldbeq931 General 3 13,792 2017-08-03, 19:38
  Thread: Boot vhd or any virtual hard disk file through internet
Post: RE: Boot vhd or any virtual hard disk file through...

(2017-07-26 19:47)guilherme.lima Wrote:  Altought we start with Windows but we aim to do the same with Linux and MacOS if possible. As I understand it, .vhd boot can only be from a local filesy...
shouldbeq931 General 3 15,119 2017-08-03, 19:20
  Thread: Replacing gPXE with iPXE on HP NC375i
Post: RE: Working around gPXE

I'm quite aware that replacing gPXE with iPXE on this NIC could be "complex" :-) which is why I asked if anyone had _experience_ of going this.
shouldbeq931 General 4 20,982 2017-07-21, 08:40
  Thread: Replacing gPXE with iPXE on HP NC375i
Post: Replacing gPXE with iPXE on HP NC375i

The HP NC375i is a Qlogic card which comes with gPXE as the PXE stack. Does anyone have any experience of replacing gPXE with iPXE on this card ? Cheers
shouldbeq931 General 4 20,982 2017-07-08, 10:53