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  Thread: iscsi map
Post: RE: iscsi map

Got more units to work using chain winpe but not all. The rest get into winpe but the screen are blank out. Will try to get WDS.
nguoicon General 3 17,320 2011-04-13, 00:52
  Thread: iscsi map
Post: RE: iscsi map

Thanks for the suggestion. Didn't have access to 2008 server with WDS, but as able to use your suggestion not to return control to bios. Was able to use chain command to boot to winpe "Chain tftp://...
nguoicon General 3 17,320 2011-04-10, 13:58
  Thread: iscsi map
Post: iscsi map

Just migrated from gPXE to iPXE. Love the product, just have a few problems. I have access to a lot of Dell laptops. Trying to boot all these to the iscsi using iPXE. Problem: 20% of laptops does ...
nguoicon General 3 17,320 2011-04-08, 18:26