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[HOWTO] Using QNAP TS-221 as PXE server / iscsi target.
2013-09-09, 12:36
Post: #2
RE: [HOWTO] Using QNAP TS-221 as PXE server / iscsi target.
Good of you to write up how you did it.

Just be aware that the keep-san and skip-san-boot flags are deprecated, and it is considered a better approach to use sanhook and sanboot respectively with a bit of scripting to do what is needed. Use when you want to install to the iSCSI volume, and when you're ready to boot the iSCSI volume itself.
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RE: [HOWTO] Using QNAP TS-221 as PXE server / iscsi target. - robinsmidsrod - 2013-09-09 12:36

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