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Any Recommendation on creating a custom iso from installed OS
2013-10-15, 22:31 (This post was last modified: 2013-10-15 23:30 by knatesan.)
Post: #3
RE: Any Recommendation on creating a custom iso from installed OS
Do i need to setup a NFS share to boot the custom iso ?
Do i need to extract the custom.iso and put in the http or tftp folder?
Do i need to comment out the CDROM options somewhere before i make custom.iso using relinux ?
Is there any place i can add netboot to yes?if yes what should be the ipxe config file?

let me reiterate my steps:
1. Installed Ubuntu 12 in physical host
2. Edit and make initrd
vi $ /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
$ mkinitramfs -o ~/initrd.img-`uname -r`
$ reboot
3. Installed my script
4. Installed Relinux tools
5. Packaged the installed Ubuntu to "custom.iso" using relinux tool
$ relinux iso relinux.conf
# custom.iso is created in /home/relinux/
4. Configuring ISO file for iPXE boot:
$ mount -o loop -t iso9660 <ISO Filename>.iso /<temp mount point>/
$ cp -R <temp mount point dir> <sandbox path>
$ mv isolinux/ syslinux/
$ mv isolinux.bin -> syslinux.bin
$ mv isolinux.cfg -> syslinux.cfg
# Remake Bootable ISO:
$mkisofs -q -V <VolumeLabel> -b <syslinux.bin file> -c < file> -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J -T -o <recustom.iso> .

Note: If i use recustom.iso to boot the VM using vCNETER.. it works without any issues.

Below are the iPXE config:
$ sanboot


Can you please let me know where to make specific config changes .

Thanks in advance for your response..
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RE: Any Recommendation on creating a custom iso from installed OS - knatesan - 2013-10-15 22:31

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