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iPXE to redirect boot to another PXE server
2013-04-15, 13:34
Post: #9
RE: iPXE to redirect boot to another PXE server
(2013-04-12 15:51)Kirioss Wrote:  I found that, using the pxebs function and then, modifying the target PXE server IP, the request sent to the PXE server is a ProxyDHCP request and is working well. Only problem : I had to change source code to be able to force an alternate IP than the one give by the DHCP...

You definitely don't need to modify the source code to do this.

You can set an explicit IP address using something like:

set net0/ip
set net0/netmask
set net0/gateway

Any IP address set in this way will override an IP address provided by the DHCP server.

The gritty details are that the DHCP-provided IP address will end up as ${net0.dhcp/ip}. If you explicitly specify ${net0/ip}, then this will override ${net0.dhcp/ip} since it is at a higher scope. You can get a feel for how this works using the config command: try obtaining an IP address using dhcp, then do config net0, enter a value for "ip" and then clear it with Ctrl-D.

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RE: iPXE to redirect boot to another PXE server - mcb30 - 2013-04-15 13:34

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