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Boot ESXi installer and install to iSCSI
2013-05-21, 09:11
Post: #2
RE: Boot ESXi installer and install to iSCSI
What version of ESXi are you using on what hardware? As you can see from the gist I wrote (the one you linked to) I was using 5.0, which did work. I believe I've tried 5.1, and I did also get into some trouble (can't recall exactly what it was).

By the way, why are you using 0x90 and 0x91? Normally the first boot drive is 0x80?

In the last code example (the one using memdisk), have you tried replacing sanboot with sanhook and not use the --drive parameter? That should hook the drive (put it in iBFT), but not try to boot it.

From what I can recall, ESXi doesn't actually use the iBFT during install, but I believe it does during regular boot. Have you tried just booting the ESXi installer, install to the iSCSI volume, and then just do a plain "sanboot uri-for-esxi-target"?
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RE: Boot ESXi installer and install to iSCSI - robinsmidsrod - 2013-05-21 09:11

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