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IPXE :: Windows 10 iSCSI disk installation, second stage fails (error 0xc0000428)
2019-10-11, 17:21
Post: #4
Smile RE: IPXE :: Windows 10 iSCSI disk installation, second stage fails (error 0xc0000428)
(2019-09-13 18:04)Andromeda_x Wrote:  Ok, time to check forum if somebody already stumble on this issue.


Hey Andromeda_x - i had the same problem and have a solution Smile

Its a Bug in Windows 10 - it is no more possible to use pagefile.sys on iSCSI Disks! I found out this after many many days troubleshooting on this problem. With Windows 10 Version 1809 it still works. But erlier versions and newer versions do NOT work.

To successfull install to iSCSI just remove pagefile.sys after first step.

When u install from booted winpe, call setup.exe with /noreboot. Then start regedit and load hive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from youre fresh installed system (typically D:\windows\system32\config\system). Then go to @loaded hive: \SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management -> inside this u will find "PagingFiles" - just delete the string inside so this is completly empty. With this u disable paging to the C:\pagefiles.sys. After this unload hive, reboot and enjoy!

Do not activate pagefile.sys again on the iSCSI disk after installation - it will result in BSOD with the same error as before. But u can try without risk, Systems will crash and comes up again without pagefile.sys.

It is not possible to update this installation! When u try to update maybe 1809 to 1903 or 1909 the system will not come up after first stage. As a workaround for this problem is simply boot this into a virtual machine (as local Disk - raw mapping whole disk), do the update - after update i can use it as before with iSCSI boot.

Another hint: u have to use a EN-US Version for installing with winpe (wimload). All other languages u will get an driver error at the end of the first step (before the reboot).

Hope i can help u with this.

Orakel von Delphi
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RE: IPXE :: Windows 10 iSCSI disk installation, second stage fails (error 0xc0000428) - Orakel von Delphi - 2019-10-11 17:21

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